Wednesday 15 August 2012

The List...Why We Love Living In the Middle of Nowhere

This is a list originally compiled as a note on facebook which is actually why I decided to start the blog in the first place.

Recently I was asked by a couple of friends...why we choose to live in the middle of nowhere. For those of you who don't know, Aaron, myself and the girls live on 4 acres, on a dirt road, just outside a small town of 1000 people, called Eckville, in central Alberta.

Initially when I was asked this question I had a tough time coming up with 3 reasons, being from Hamilton, then moving to Calgary and living there for 10 years, a move to the country was not easy for me but i'm glad I did it. After more thought, I have come up with a handful of reasons why we love living here, some are humorous, some are not but all are 100% true.

In no particular order:

  1. It always smells good, there is never a smog index or a poor air quality warning, only the occasional smell of cow dung, which in my opinion is better than smog!
  2. No solicitors, mormons or other undesirables ever come to my door...EVER!!
  3. It's quiet, very quiet...except for the cows, coyotes, rooster and the peacock across the road.
  4. Without having to drive in the city, all hi-way driving...we get great fuel economy!!
  5. The school bus comes right to the end of our driveway.
  6. There is no traffic on my road, if you don't live on my road, or are an oil lease operator, you have no business being on my road. We WILL notice and we have guns! LOL
  7. I can drive fast everywhere, the speed limit to anywhere I have to go is 100km/hr, so 120 is acceptable.
  8. It's not inappropriate for us to shoot things in our backyard. Including but not limited to: gophers, squirrels, crows, magpies and targets. Our neighbours won't call the police.
  9. Feels like camping all the time. I don't know how to explain this one, but in the middle of nowhere, having coffee on the deck, always feels you're camping.
  10. You can yell at your children when your windows are open and not have to worry about your neighbours hearing you. Which brings me to my next reason..
  11. There are 3 other couples that live on our road, 2 of them are very far away, and the other is far enough away. You really only ever see them driving down the road, or at the mailbox. No need for that neighbourly awkwardness.
  12. One of my personal favourites...I can wander around my yard wearing horrible outfits, again, including but not limited to: leopard print sleep shorts, a Boston t-shirt, no bra and rubber boots...stylish...I know...but seriously...who's gonna see me!!
And finally...
    13. Having 4 kids isn't out of the ordinary...we know someone with 6!!!

So that's my list, hope you enjoy, have a chuckle at my expense....its all good! We know its not for everyone but its for us and we love it!!

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