Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Beginning....

Well this is the beginning...a very spur of the moment decision to start a blog. Why you ask? Well, maybe it's more for me than anyone else...or for the girls when they're older...or to entertain readers...or maybe all 3...who knows.

This blog will be a personal journal of our experiences, the good, the bad, the hilarious of our life in the country. My ups and downs of being a mother of 4 girls with a husband who is away 75% of the month. How I deal with it and how I cope without (usually) losing my cool! How I manage to take care of a family, a household and a 4 acre property with a variety of animals.

Maybe you learn something from my experience, maybe you don't but take it all as it is and have a laugh at our expense...we do!

1 comment:

  1. Very good beginning Amii.
