Thursday 16 August 2012

How the Hell Did I End Up Here...?

How does a girl who lived over 30 years in 2 big cities end up living outside a town that has less people in it than her high-school did??

Well here's the short version,

In 2002, I moved from my home town, Hamilton Onatario, to Calgary Alberta...with a boy...of course. That didn't work out...of course, but I ended up sticking around. Shorty after boy # 1 split, I met boy # 2...and married him. We had 3 beautiful little girls in a very short time frame (all 18 months apart). And again...that didn't workng out. That being said, I have to add that my ex-husband and I have a very good relationship and he is a fabulous father.

So in 2010, I found myself single...again...after being married for 6 years. What a shock to the system that is! I was 31 with 3 about baggage!!! I jumped right back in to it, head first. A good friend of mine and I started hitting the bars..every was fun...for a while. I dated a few "randoms", but no one I could see myself with long term...until I met Aaron.

Aaron had just come back off the rodeo circuit...touring with a very well known chuck wagon driver...he was a cowboy!! We met through a mutual friend...and the rest is history really. We moved in together rather quickly, he loved the girls instantly and they loved him. A year later we were engaged and shortly there after he somehow managed to convince to have another baby. Which finally brings me to the answer to my the hell did I end up here...

With Aaron being in the Oil Industry we needed to be closer to where the work was based out we found ourselves a house on 4 acres and fell in love. But shortly after driving through the town and realizing what I was doing...I had second thoughts. Could I do this? I was pregnant, I knew no one in this hick town...and wasn't sure if I wanted to know any of them, and on top of it all Aaron was working away for weeks at a time. I was ALONE! The girls stayed with there dad to finish off the school year with there I was really alone. But I stuck it out and waited for the snow to melt and things got I feel at ease and at home in the middle of nowhere.

So here I am now...a city girl...raising 4 girls in the country...

1 comment:

  1. Fancy finding you here! I will have to add you to my list on my blog ...come on over! Cheetah has been blogging for me for awhile now. He told me I was neglecting my blog too much. Welcome to the blogging world!
