Sunday 19 August 2012

The Tale of 3 Little Pigs

The tale of the pigs...the pigs have been a huge source of stress for me...not so  much recently but a few weeks back when Aaron was away working.

We have these 3 little pot bellied pigs, not pigs to raise and slaughter, more for pets. We got these pigs when we picked up our dog Cosmo, our fearless protector. The lady getting rid of Cosmo offered the pigs to us for of course...we took them. They have a nice little home made from an old grain bin, filled with straw and a little front yard fenced with panels. I have never liked the pigs...although they're great garbage disposals, we feed them all our food scraps.

About a month and a half ago, I was out cleaning our pool and noticed 3 little black things at the far end of the yard...with having such a large property I didn't know at first what it was. Upon further investigation I discovered it was the pigs. We had made the mistake of letting the pigs out before, so I knew what a pain it was to get them back in. I went into panic mode a bit, hoping the pigs hadn't got in to my garden or our neighbours garden, wondering how the hell I was going to get them back in the pen alone. I whistled for the dogs and the circus began...

Daisy, our golden retriever is actually a great herder, although she can't figure out what side to herd from...Cosmo is useless and Kitty, our neighbours horse whose pasture borders our yard won't willingly let any other animal in her pasture. So let me paint the mental picture for running around, in one of my signature outfits, screaming at the pigs, Daisy, trying her best to herd the pigs the proper way, Kitty running up and down the fence line preventing the pigs from crossing and Cosmo running the fence line on our side barking at Kitty because he thinks shes trying to attack the pigs. It was a mess. I finally managed to get the pigs back in with a loaf of bread, and made an unsuccessful attempt to try to repair the fence where they got out.

Over the course of that week the pigs escaped at least once a day, sending us in to a tizzy. It was even worse when the big girls were here...they're not much help either. Finally, after almost giving up, my elderly neighbour came to the rescue and repaired the fence for me, which was a damn good thing because I had resorted to bringing my .22 out with me, vowing to shoot those piggies if they didn't start co-operating.

Of course my city friends offered no sympathy, only hysterical laughter at my expense of course. I'll assume that they were picturing me chasing these pigs around and didn't have any helpful advice...but why would they really??

So here's my advice on how to catch escaped pigs...DONT GET PIGS!!!

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