Monday 20 August 2012

4 Kids 7 and Under...Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy...NOT

Why oh why do people ask such stupid questions? People in the grocery store, at the mall...well really anywhere for that matter. These questions and ridiculous statements started when I had my third child which meant I had 3 kids 3 and under, and continued when I had my fourth.. So here are my answers to a few of the STUPID questions i've been asked....

YES having 3 kids is hard...are you kidding me!?!?! The first 3 months after my 3rd was born was HELL. Why sugar coat it?? A preschooler, a toddler and a newborn...sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. I certainly didn't plan it this way...who would...but you do what you have to do and you survive. It only gets better with time. My 3 oldest are the best of friends...well when they aren't beating the snot out of each other. Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing!

YES I know the teenage years are going to be rough...tell me one I haven't heard!!! This is a statement I get all the time: "Wow you're gonna have your hands full when they're teenagers". No kidding...please if you're trying to be funny...think up something original! My response to this is usually: "Ya I know...we have guns." Which generally shuts them up. As far as I'm concerned...we'll be rich, I'm buying stock in Tampax.

NO I don't run a daycare...these are ALL my children. This is a new started when my 4th was born. I know it may appear that pushing a grocery cart with the car seat in it with 3 little girls following behind...maybe if we threw a boy in the mix people wouldn't stare...because really...who has 4 girls...oh wait, I DO!

So people please, don't ask stupid questions of me or any other mom with multiple children. You aren't original and it's generally annoying. We know it's not as common to have more than 2 kids as it used to be but it happens. Are we crazy...probably a little bit, but we know we are and we accept it! 

And if you have more than 2 kids...or are going to have more than's time to abandon the man to man and switch to the zone defense...once you're out numbered you're in for it!!! 

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